Through Theatre and Drama we come to recognise and feel for those who are different from us and in doing so we recognise our common humanity, and their struggles become ours.
The Drama classroom is a place where students learn through play, trial and error and critical thinking, learning not only about the Art of Theatre and Acting but about themselves, each other and the world around them.
Through Theatre and Drama we come to recognise and feel for those who are different from us and in doing so we recognise our common humanity, and their struggles become ours.
The curriculum at Key Stage Three is designed to engage the students through subject matter, as well as introducing Drama skills and techniques, while simultaneously developing communication and collaborative skills. A high proportion of lessons are practical, with verbal feedback regularly received from teachers and peers.
Schemes of learning have been developed in order to build on learning in previous years; with an increase in level of challenge ultimately leading to accumulating sufficient knowledge and experience that prepares students for the GCSE course should they wish to choose it as an option subject.
Students follow the Eduqas GCSE Drama specification, refining skills introduced in KS3, whilst developing their skills as Actor, Director and Designer. The course comprises a mix of practical performance, theoretical coursework and a final written exam. Analysis and evaluation of their work and the work of others needs to be strong in order to ensure success in their coursework and the final exam.